Working in the Science Lab: Safety
What child doesnít someday dream of being a scientist? There is just something about mixing chemicals and exploring the way things works that appeals to all of humanity. It is not, however, all fun and games as it seems on many of the T.V. shows targeted to interest kids in the field of science. There are many precautions that can take much time and effort in working in a science lab. This article aims to outline a few of the major precautions that need to be taken if one is to work in a science lab.
One of the more simple safety precautions that should be taking while working in a science lab is the wearing of eye goggles. It may seem so simple, but it can safe your eyesight! Many choose not to wear safety eye goggles because of what they might consider fashion sense. While they can often be large and bulky, they do not have to be so. In addition to that, if everyone is wearing them, what is there to be ashamed of? Another safety precaution is to wear safety gloves of some sort. These can greatly vary depending on what the experiment is and what chemicals are involved. It is suggested, however, than one ere on the side of caution and use chemical resistant rubber gloves. These can be found in just about any grocery store, but there are also specialty stores that offer a glove that is just as protecting and a bit less restrictive.
The third safety precaution is more time intensive. One should always read carefully, several times, the instructions for the experiment and be very familiar with the chemicals and elements involved in the experiment. It is not always feasible to stop in the middle of an experiment to reread the directions because you forgot them. Always be prepared, both mentally and physically!
In conclusion, safety in working in a science lab is paramount. Nothing should be sacrificed for the sake of safety. A little time and some moderate effort can save one many heartaches as well as body aches in the long run. Some eye goggles, safety chemical resistant gloves, and a working knowledge of the directions are essentials that cannot be foregone. A little care on the front end can save a lot of time and energy in the long run!
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